Monday, August 6, 2007

Well, I could apoligize for how long it's been since I posted, but since I notice that many of my friends have been off and on during the summer, let's just say I'm part of a trend.

First, our trip to Maryland, to see my parents and the sights.

Photo one: John in the creek behind my folks house. They don't live in the country, just a middle class suburb (Silver Spring). This reminds me that San Diego is a desert, after all.

Photo two: We pay a call on our nation's leader. The lights were on, but nobody was home.

Photo three: Molly, John and Bill had a vip tour of NASA's Goddard Space Center, courtesy of a dear friend of CJs. They saw many wonderous things and talked to space engineers, scientists, and astronauts.

Photo four: Another hightlight was a visit to the National Air and Space Museum. We are without a doubt, a family of geeks.


Anonymous said...

Hey...we're a blogosphere of super geeks..and we all carry our geek cards proudly...glad to know you do too!

erica said...

that's my kind of suburb!! oooh, and a trip to NASA's Goddard Space Center...what a treat!!